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Works that I'm proud of ...


Photoshop. Yes. Stuff made from Adobe Photoshop ...


Name: 2024
Medium:Photoshop, ClipStudioPaint
Dimension: 3847x6600


 A introductory project to glitching. 2024 is inspired by announcement of NASA deciding to launch another lunar mission by the year 2024. I want to create a poster documenting mankind's achievement in space exploration. The poster includes rocket designs and blueprints from the NASA, Interkosmos (Soviet space agency), and SpaceX. Meanwhile, the center-pieces is a rocket that incoprated rocket component from all of these agencies/companies. The first section was inspired by SpaceX's Starship, the center section was inspired by NASA's Saturn V, and the last section was inspired by the Soviet's Soyuz. The united design signifies space exploration being a human achievement.
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Name: Aquarium
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x750


 This was one of the earliest assignments in ART74. The image is a result combining a image of people's silhouette infront of an aquarium and a ocean photography via lassoing.

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Name: David
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x857


David is inspired by the vaporwave asethetic. As the name suggest, the work depicts the glitched head of David. The statue of the image appropriated, cropped, and the glitch effect was created via Photoshop. The pieces was monumental for me as it was first thing I created with Photoshop outside of a class assignment, something I still treasure to this day.

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Lizard and Town

Name: Lizard and Town
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x800


 What would happen when a giant lizard invade a seaside town. A light-hearted composite image imitates childplay.

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Vector Art ...

Low Sanity

Name: Low Sanity
Medium: Adobe Illustrator, ClipStudioPaint
Dimension: 2376x2994


  A self-portrait of the moment. I was dealing with an episode of anxiety attack. I was feeling depressed and powerless. I felt like whatever I had created had no value because I can not find any value in anything. I created this work to cope with my depression. The process calm me down, allow me to walk myself out of the mud, and continuing on.

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Gradian Mesh

Name: Gradian Mesh
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Dimension: 1200x1200


 Another practice piece with Adobe Illustrator. The piece is a formal exploration of shapes and gradians of hue. The goal was to create an aesthetically appealing image. The forms are inspired by articulations of flora and flow of water.

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Vector Particle

Name: Vector Particle
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Dimension: 1200x1198


  An abstracted piece created with a repetition of shapes and paths, manipulated with the pen tool, the result resembles a star system around a supermassive black hole.

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Name: Butterfly
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1081x634


  ART 74 assignment. A formal exploration to create a image that draws the audiences' attention by creating depth using layer and gradians.

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01100010 01100101 01100101 01110000
01100010 01101111 01101111 01110000 ...


Name: Way
Medium: Audacity, Photoshop
Dimension: 899x1200


 A introductory project to glitching. Way is inspired by the path of life, where the future ahead is always uncertain, and the path itself is always unpredictable. The unpredictability of outcome of audiowave and text manipulation also adds to the narrative. The original image is appropriated from the net.
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Name: Way
Medium: Sublime (text manipulation), Photoshop
Dimension: 899x1200


 A introductory project to glitching. Way is inspired by the path of life, where the future ahead is always uncertain, and the path itself is always unpredictable. The unpredictability of outcome of audiowave and text manipulation also adds to the narrative. The original image is appropriated from the net.

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Name: Mushroom
Medium: Audacity, Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x791


Mushrooms is a two-pieces series of glitch art created during ART74. I create this two pieces Through the use of text- and audiowave-manipluation. The trippy and abstract nature of both images allude to psychedelic effect of Psilocybin (magic mushroom) , or in general, the usage of drugs. The original image of the mushroom is appropriated from the net

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Name: Mushroom
Medium: Sublime (text manipulation), Photoshop
Dimension: 1819x1200


Mushrooms is a two-pieces series of glitch art created during ART74. I create this two pieces Through the use of text- and audiowave-manipluation. The trippy and abstract nature of both images allude to psychedelic effect of Psilocybin (magic mushroom) , or in general, the usage of drugs. The original image of the mushroom is appropriated from the net

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A Collage Of Hyperrealism

Name: A Collage Of Hyperrealism (Collage Glitched)
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x1200


 This is a collage of hyperrealism drawing sourced from the internet. This is part of the Collage Glitched Project. I want to create a interesting composite first before I glitch it.

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Pi (Collage Glitched)

Name: Pi (Collage Glitched)
Medium: Audacity, Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x1200


  A glitched result of the previous collage. This image was convert to audiowave and heavily processed in Adacity. The result is a facinating repetition of texture. Despite the overall textures are gibberish, the repetition ties them down into a more controlled manner and adds another layers of meaning to it. Additionally, the name comes from the black artifacts at the bottom third of the image which resemble the letters "PI".

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Collage Glitched 2

Name: Collage Glitched 2
Medium: Audacity, Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x1200


  Part of the Collage Glitched Project. This image was less processed in Adacity compared to Pi. The result creates an uncanny feeling to it, especially when you starring back at the eyes. The addition color created by glitching also adds an interesting emphasis to the texture.

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Collage Glitched 3

Name: Collage Glitched 3
Medium: Audacity, Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x1200


 Part of the Collage Glitched Project. The collage was glitched twice. The image was rotated 90 degree before glitching it the second time. The result was more abstract compared to the second image; only the texture of the skin remains. One interesting note is that the rotation creates a grid-like artifact (you can see it more clearly in full resolution) akin to what would present out of a cathode-ray tube display.

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Name: Human (Collage Glitched)
Medium: Photoshop
Dimension: 1200x1200


Human is a variation of the Hyperrealism Collage. It was processed with different layer property. The resulting juxaposition is both familiar yet disconnecting. From afar, the image resemble a human face, abeit a little distorted, but at a closer look, the overlapping texture creates a uncanny feeling to it. For this image, I want to create an imagery with something we all familar with and disconnect that familarity through manipluation. I used the hyperrealism drawing because it also draws to the same idea of disconnect; despite it realism and attention to detail, it's still a drawing.

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or Web Art. Made out of HTML, CSS and JS ...

The Moon, the mountain, the stars, and some extras

Name: The Moon, the mountain, the stars, and some extras

>>Full Project<<
 The goal of The Moon is to create a tranquil space fills with fragment of unrelated infomation. It's a representation of a flow state, where unrelating idea converges into one, and finally developing into a creative idea. Click around and have fun discovering the narratives.


Strange strange narratives


Name: Hyper-reality
Medium: After Effect, Illustrator, Animate
Dimension: 1080p; 5 seconds

>> Video Link <<
Hyper-reality is part of ART74 assignment. The video concept was inspire by HYPER-REALITY by Keiichi Matsuda. The concept is a mean to present a provocate future where rampant capitalism takes over every part of our life with advertising by intergrating adverts into our field of vision. It's a critique to unresricted capitalism. Similarity, I want to explore the same concept with this project by using almost disorientating effects and pop-up to re-imagine this grim future.


Name: The Rise and Fall of the Lesser Cool Jiatao
Medium: After Effect, Premiere
Dimension: 1080p; 5 minutes 16 seconds

>> Video Link <<
  Final project of ART75. A story invloves in theifing, rushing timeline, dimension travel, and time police. Shot with my Iphone, edited with After Effect. Audio design with Premiere.


Name: Dream have meanings," meanwhile:
Medium: After Effect, Premiere
Dimension: 1080p; 1 minute 50 seconds

>> Video Link <<
  This weird video was a result of a playful session of brainstroming. The project was inspired that shares the same title and basic idea. I was related to that idea that dream often has no meaning to such a extend that I produced my own verison of that meme. I want to express that the idea mythical/super-nature connection of dream and future are absurd and psudo-scientific. I decide to express that absurdity throught a silly fun video with heavy artificiality. The video taken on my phone and processed with After Effect and Premiere for audio design.


Trippy 3D Model-Maker ...

The Corona Situation

Name: The Corona Situation
Medium: Meshmixer

>> SketchFab link (Fully interactable 3D model) <<
 This 3D sculpture was made in the start of the COVID-19 lockdown. It was created to represent my experience of the lockdown. The center-piece of the sculpture was inspired by the popular internet "This is Fine" meme, which depict an apathic anthropomorphic dog sitting surround by the fire ( During that time, I shared the same sentiment as the dog depicted in the meme: feeling that the world is ending.

Weird Face

Name: Give me a hug
Medium: Meshmixer


 Preliminary practice with Meshmixer.

Strong Cow

Name: Strong Cow
Medium: Meshmixer


 Preliminary practice with Meshmixer.


Code -- processing --> Art

Piet Monderian

Name: Piet Monderian
Medium: Processing
Dimension: 400x400


  A study of Piet Monderian's abract geometry using Processing.

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Name: It's ME
Medium: Processing
Dimension: 893x900


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Name: Collapse
Medium: Processing
Dimension: 600x600


  This project was inspired by the ending of Microsoft Solitaire when every cards will drop down from thier holder creating a spectacular finish. I try to use processing to recreate that motion and adding color to each transition.

Source Code:
PShape w1, w2, w3, w4;
PShape red, yellow, blue;

void setup() {
fill(255); //white
w1 = createShape(RECT,0,0,150,200);
w2 = createShape(RECT,0,225,150,210);
w3 = createShape(RECT,165,450,395,150);
w4 = createShape(RECT,575,450,25,70);
fill(255,0,0); //red
red = createShape(RECT,165,0,435,435);
fill(0,0,255); //blue
blue = createShape(RECT,0,450,150,150);
fill(255,255,0); //yellow
yellow = createShape(RECT,575,530,25,70);}

void draw() {
if (mousePressed) {

void mouseReleased(){
void redraw() {
fill(255); //white
text("PRESS AND HOLD",305,117);

void mouseClicked() {


Processing but better (personal opinion)

Interactive Randomness

Name: Interactive Randomness powered by Trig
Medium: p5.js
Dimension: 800x800


Interactive Randomness powered by Trigonometry, or IRT in short, was created as an assignment for ART 74. The idea was to create a tool where with a few interaction, everyone can create their unique computer generated art. As the name suggest, the motion of the geometries is derived from basic Trig. By using randomly generated number as variable, the code can generated varying size of shape at a different speed.
  The main goal of this code art is to created a vibrant chaotic yet controlled image. The chaos coming from the randomness and viewer interaction, whereas the controlled-ness comes from the limitation of the Trig function: No matter how random the variables are, the final shape always ends with a square.

Press MOUSE to create shape,
Press ANY_KEY(not space) to generate madness,
Space is PAUSE
Screenshot at any moment you want.

Try it out yourself (Source Code Included)

Rgb diamond

Name: RGB Diamond
Medium: p5.js
Dimension: 400x400


  A little fun project trying to generate 3D shapes using radiating line only.

Try it out yourself (Source Code Included)


Name: A Star in a Starfield
Medium: p5.js
Dimension: 400x400


 A little mouse tracking project. A lone star in a starfield. Lost.

Try it out yourself (Source Code Included)


Art that I create during my offtimes with Clip Studio Paint, and sometime with PS and Paint tool SAI


Name: World Building Concept
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 3508x2480


 A world-building project that I had put aside and come back to between breaks. It's a dystopian world where huamnity made every wrong decision. Unrestricted capitalism infiltrating private life, massive desertification across continent due to climate change, most of natural species of animal or plant extincte, highly militarized police with rampent corruption, disappearance of free speech, and with it democracy. The world is inspired by cyberpunk writing, movie, and videogames.
 The drawings are the design for fashion(left), militarized robot (center), and other scenario.

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Modernized Mage

Name: Modernized Mage
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 3508x2480


  A try to modernized mages exist in classic western fantasy. As the world developes, so does magic and spells. To meet the increasing library of different spells, sorceries and spells are store in VR headset for easy access. Magic are also no longer bond by fixed incantation, rather transform into a more flexible and robust structure similar to now-a-day programming language. The magic code then output throught a staff, that powered by a immense source of energy, then affecting reality.

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Name: Feel it
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 1200x927


 a cute dragon waiting for cuddle.

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Name: BEEware
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 1200x927


 Use a pun as an excuse to draw a picture of a bee.

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Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 927x1200


 The concept originate from a sudden shower thought connecting A emperor penguin with the tarot card: IV - The Emperor, which both share the name emperor.

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Name: Dreamer
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 995x1200


Dreamer is a digital illustration draw through Clip Studio Paint with a tablet incombination with a few re-appropriated old works
 The piece was born in a place of confusion. It was created during my second year attending SJSU when I was extremely anxious about my future roadmap. I was unsure what art concentration I wanted to study and questioned whether my current major was the path I want to follow. This piece was a result of that confusion and anxiety, where the colorful unpreditable future contrast with the bleak reality.

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Name: School Logo Design
Medium: Clip Studio Paint, Illustrator
Dimension: 1200x1085


  A logo for a class project where my group and I design a school and it curriculum.

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Costume Design

Name: Slient Sky -Costume Design
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 1200x848


  A costume concept for the theatrical play Silent Sky. The play was set around 1900s, centered around Henrietta Levitt, an American astronomer, who face struggle as a women in the science. Levitt overcome the sterotype and discovered the period-luminosity relationship for Cepheid. The costume reflect her changes in status, starting from a traditional feminine dress to a more neture and mascilline attire, as a rejection to patriarchical social norms.

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Name: Angel with halo, or a poor girl trying to turn on her light
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 2700x3600


  Fun little 10min sketch. The idea came when I try to turn on my light and realizing that the light just like a halo on top my head.

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Name: Fire
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 1191x1684


  I was part of a small community host by an indie game developer. This character was created as a personification of a campfire, one of the most popular spot where player used to gather. The pieces mainly celebrates the introduction of a new enviornment.

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Halloween Inktober

Name: Happy Halloween 2020
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 4215x2827


  A witch celebrating the 2020 Halloween. I was also testing a simplier coloring style on this drawing with only three layer color (one for shadow, one for hue, and one for highlight).

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Paint Study Witch

Name: Paint Study Witch
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 5342x3777


 A experiment with a different coloring style. In this study, I try to draw from imagination without excessive linework. Afterward, I try to color this image in a more realistic way, more akin to how I would paint with acrylic or oil; layer by layer.

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Name: RKGK
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 1200x728


  RKGK comes from the Japanese 落書き (Rakugaki -> RKGK), meaning scribble or doodle. This is doodle documenting the an emotional response: a somber float-y emotion. It was a quiet night, around 2am. I was listening to lo-fi hip-hop. I felt like I only had existed in the moment, no past nor future attached.

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Name: Elder
Medium: Clip Studio Paint


 Eldrich being. This creature is partial inspired by entities in the video game Bloodborne. This drawing was part of Inktober 2021 (Day2).

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Name: Majo
Medium: Clip Studio Paint
Dimension: 3508x2480


魔女 (Romaji: majo, English: Witch) is a piece was created during winter break. The pieces was heavily influenced by Japanese animation style of drawing (as most of my digital illustrations are inspired by Anime). It started as anatomy practice, developed into a charater protrait, and subsquently a part of a world-building project. The goal of this pieces is to personificate madness and heresy. Of course, also trying to draw something cute.

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